The Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa [ERNWACA], also known as Réseau Ouest et Centre African de Recherche en Education [ROCARE], was established in 1989 in Freetown, Sierra Leone by USAID. Her core mission was to bring together West and Central African researchers in education to conduct knowledge-based educational research for improving educational practice and formulating evidence-based policies in the sub-region. It is now generally acknowledged that ERNWACA/ROCARE has emerged as one of West and Central Africa’s preeminent institutions in Educational Research.
To be at the forefront in providing quality research services for educational development in Africa
To promote African expertise in Educational research and a culture of research in order to improve Education policy and practice in ERNWACA’s member countries.
Core Objective
To enhance research capacity and strengthen collaboration among African researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in the field of education.
Member Countries
Benin * Burkina Faso * Cameroon * Central Africa Republic * Congo * Cote d’voire * Gambia * Ghana * Guinea * Mali * Mauritania * Niger * Nigeria * Senegal * S/Leone * Togo * Guinea Bissau
International Partners
* SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) * WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) * USAID (US Agency for International Development) * UNESCO/BREDA (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) * UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) formerly UIE (UNESCO Institute for Education) * University of Ottawa * University of Montreal * Norrag (Network for Policy Research, Review and Advice on Education and Training) * APRELI@ (Association pour la Promotion des Ressources éducatives libres africaines) * ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (GTENF)
Affiliate Institutions in Nigeria
University of Lagos * Covenant University * University of Uyo
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